One Table ep 06 First Question 10 Years from Now Part 1

Mira speaks about her hopes for the future of this region (Israel-Palestine). And then things start to heat up a bit as Fayga completely disagrees with her!

Mira: What do you think or hope the next ten years hold for the region? Huuuuh! Well, what do I think and what do I hope are totally different things. Cause what I think is gonna happen is bad. What I hope is gonna happen – is something totally else. And maybe I should talk about what I hope will happen. – That’s neutral. – Yeah, right? Cause I wanna be optimistic. Well, I’m hoping that… Well, I think ‘the region’ for me is here, in Israel, Palestine. I mean, of course, around us there are more places that I worry about, but for me the most interesting is how the Jewish people and the Palestinian people would be living, together, in ten years. And what I wanna see is going back to some recognition of human beings, to human beings. Just being human beings. I feel that, I feel connected to the human race. When they ask me, ‘What do you feel? What do you feel affiliated to?’ Of course, I’m Palestinian. Of course, I’m a woman. Of course, I’m also Bulgarian. But, first of all, I’m human. And we share so much, we are the same mechanism. We are the same animal, for God’s sakes, you know? And I feel brotherhood, and sisterhood, with human beings all over the world. Regardless of religion, and colour, and race. And to me it’s very sad that, in this region, we have – we have separated ourselves, we have put ourselves in subcategories. And we have become slaves to these subcategories, and we believe in them more strongly than we believe in what’s in common. And I wanna go back to what’s in common. Which is the human beings living human lives. And so I hope for this region in ten years to be there. To grow closer to that understanding, and understand that we come from the same tree. And in order to survive, we need to water the tree. Not each watering their own branch. You cannot water a tree from the branches. And that’s what we’re doing – we’re watering trees from the branches. We’re gonna kill ourselves before we notice it. The only way to survive, and the only way to be here, at all, in ten years is to water the stem, is to water the big trunk of the big tree that is humanity. And I do whatever I can through my art, through my whatever, through my existence, though this to say that to people. Like, ‘Please, please, look at the tree! It’s dying! And let’s water it from where it’s supposed to be watered.’ So that’s my hope for the ten years. It’s a lot! But hey, we can do it! – Oh, I think so, absolutely! Completely! – I disagree with you that – you hope that, from my understanding, from what you’ve said, there’s coexistence. And I’ll be the crazy radical one here, cause I am: I hope that doesn’t happen.

Fayga: – I disagree with you that – you hope that, from my understanding, from what you’ve said, there’s coexistence. And I’ll be the crazy radical one here, cause I am: I hope that doesn’t happen.